‘WhiteSwan Social Innovators Corporate CSR Forum’
WCG Launches for the 1st time ever in India a Platform for India’s TOP Innovative Start-ups & Corporate / PSUs
WCG Launches for the 1st time ever in India a Platform for India’s TOP Innovative Start-ups & Corporate / PSUs
These Innovative start-ups have been rated as TOP 50 of INDIA this year, at IIM Ahmedabad, by TATA Trust, Lockheed Martin & Ministry of Science & Technology. Their innovations, as ready solutions, can be applied for Corporate CSR, as per schedule VII of Indian Companies (CSR) Act 2013.
Objective of the Forum:
WCG provides this rich platform for:
- India’s Top Innovators on one hand, who provide us responsible and need based innovative solutions, & on the other hand
- Facilitate Corporate and PSUs who are engaged in ‘Responsible & Well Meaning CSR’, who are always on the look out for such ‘Strategically aligned CSR Projects with high ROI & SROI’ to Optimize their CSR spends.
We at WCG can facilitate in converting these high end innovations into ‘Stratetgic CSR Projects’ with end to end operationalization.
For Further Details write to: directorcsr@wcgindia.org